Newsletter Index
April 2004 Front Page
We have gone through the courses on pre-evangelism, chronological teaching, and bible lessons. Now we are talking about once there are believers in a tribe, how to teach them through the scriptures, so that the church grows to maturity. Hopefully, the church will someday be like the Gimi church mentioned, sending out their own missionaries.
We thank you all for keeping us in your prayers. Right now we are in the rush toward Jungle Camp! This is training for ruggedness - how to live under difficult and different circumstances. On May 14th, we will head into the mountains of Eastern Oregon for 3 weeks. We will live in isolated conditions, having built our own house out of materials from the forest and things we picked up in town. We will cook on a wood stove welded together out of 55 gallon drums! We will have no telephone, and only a solar panel with a car battery for a small electric lighting circuit!
As you can imagine, the preparations for going up there will be intense from this point on. There is very little time for any recreation between now and when we move up there. We have to prepare all our food in advance, and can it or dry store it, because we will not have any refrigeration. But we will have a visitors day! On May 29th, if any of you might be passing through the Oregon area, you can come up to see us and share a meal with us! If anyone would like to do this, please contact us right away, so I can give you the information on where to stay in this area and directions to Jungle Camp.
- For the Lord to teach us to properly balance time and resources as we prepare for Jungle Camp and another move across the country
- Praise that our church in Texas has given us a place to stay for the summer!
- Pray for the Lord's will as to whether or not we select the Linguistics Analysis option at Linguistics School, which would be valuable training but would add 6 months to our time in the training pipeline