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Olson Family Update
George, Ginny, Isaac, Sarah & Abby
In Training with New Tribes Mission for Tribal Church Planting and Bible Translation
Issue #10. September 2003

George & Ginny Olson
3100 H. Street
Baker City, OR 97814
(541) 523-9777



It was a small event, but nevertheless was another indication that God had us exactly on the right path. We were at the hotel in Salt Lake City, getting ready to start the last leg of our drive to Baker City. I took a shower, put on a new pair of shorts, and transferred all my normal pocketed items (wallet, handkerchief, etc.) to my new shorts. The kids and I went to the lobby to eat the continental breakfast, and on the way down, I slapped my keys in my pocket (as always out of habit) to make sure they were there. This time they weren't there. "No big deal," I thought. "I left them in my other shorts. I will get them when we get back from breakfast." While we ate breakfast, Ginny packed up our bags and then came down to the lobby.


I headed back to the hotel room, and checked my old shorts. No keys. Where could they be? I didn't panic – Ginny had another set of keys if we lost them, but still, I did not want to lose them. Then it dawned on me. The last place I remembered having them was last night when I opened the trailer to get something to bring into the hotel. I must have put them down on the fender of the trailer and left them there overnight!  I went out to the car – "Good, it is still there, but no keys. Lord, could you please get my keys back for me?"



Back at the hotel room, Ginny shows up at the door. "Are these your keys? I found them under the table in the hotel lobby."  How they got there, I don't know. If they had been attached to our clothes, we would have heard them clinking and rattling. I know the kids didn't take them down there. Just one more small event of God demonstrating his sovereign love and power over our lives.


To recap the summer – after graduating from NTBI in Waukesha, we moved back to Texas. It was kind of a trial. We had purchased a new 6x12 cargo trailer to haul our household goods in. This seemed big enough, but I neglected considering the weight limit The gross weight limit for a single axle 6x12 is less than 3000 lbs. If I had thought of this before, we would have purchased a double axle trailer!


Sitting on an Elephant


Yellow Leaf Kids in Thailand

As it turned out, this was God's doing, forcing us to downsize even more. When we first loaded the trailer, it weighed 4500 lbs, the springs were flat, and the tires looked like they would pop.  So we had to unload it, leaving stuff in Wisconsin, until we were at a safe weight. The Dodd's later went back and picked up our stuff.

Thai Church

Thai Scorpions!

4 Corners, NM

Shiprock, NM!


Our summer in Texas consisted of sorting things for a garage sale, car maintenance, visiting people, and a mission trip.  At the beginning of the summer, we had to do the following to our old Suburban – transmission service, a new radiator, replace the front and rear brakes, replace the shock absorbers, add supports to the leaf springs, and get a new air conditioning compressor.  We had the money for transmission service and to replace the radiator, but not for the other things.  This meant for us, that I (George) had to learn how to replace front and rear brakes and shock absorbers on the Suburban.  After doing it, I must say that it is really not that difficult, although as of writing this newsletter, the brakes have started squeaking, so I am going to have to check them again.  It is also time to get the transmission serviced again, after pulling the trailer over the mountains!                                                                                                          



At the end of July, George went to Thailand on a 2 week mission trip to help out some fellow missionaries there. Russ and Nancy Sullivan live in Northeast Thailand, and are building a new house for their base of operations. George and 2 friends from Bible School helped work on Russ Sullivan's house by installing a grounded electrical system, clearing jungle bushes and trees, chipping concrete, and killing scorpions and centipedes. To see more pictures of the Thailand trip, click one of the three photo links below.  To read more about it, click on the link at the bottom of the page.

Chiang Mai Photos

Nakom Phanom Photos (where we did the work)

Yellow Leaf Photos



Driving to Baker City, we saw some of the most amazing scenery in the country. The drive from 4 Corners to Moab, Utah, has some of the most incredible rock formations we have ever seen!  Pictures simply do not do justice to the incredible views we had in every direction!  Isaac said it was the best trip he had ever taken!  Our car held up okay, too!


Fortunately, like we learned before, we had to downsize even more before driving across the country. The night before heading to Carlsbad, we had to unload more stuff out of the trailer because the load exceeded the weight capacity. We stopped in Carlsbad before continuing on, and had some wonderful times with many of our friends and supporters there. When we unpacked in Baker City, we found that we had just about the right amount of stuff to unload into our apartment here! So God, forcing us to downsize beyond what we projected, worked things out in the end like He always does!

New Tribes Missions Institute




Cultural Anthropology

We are all enrolled now in the Missions Institute, and by the time you read this, we will be deep into our new set of classes.  To the left there is a list of some of the classes we are taking to prepare us for tribal church planting. This year and next year we will also have many opportunities to talk with visiting missionaries and learn about needs on different fields within New Tribes Mission. Pray for us as we seek the Lord's guidance for a target country overseas or across the border! Two years of training to go! Next year (our final year) we will move to Missouri for Linguistics training, Lord willing.



Cross Culture Communication

Church Planter's Tool Kit


Culture Investigation



Practical Skills I

Believer's Relationships


NT Church

Maturing Church


Read more about George's Trip to Thailand





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