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Olson Family
News & Views


Text Box: Members of New Tribes Mission , preparing for Tribal Church Planting and Bible Translation in the Philippines



Our current financial status:

Perhaps the Lord has called you to join us in financial partnership. People join us, not to give to us, but because they want to be part of something big that God is doing in the world to reach an unreached tribal group with the message of His love and grace. When someone supports this ministry, it is an offering to God, not to us. We are only the stewards of this ministry God has called us to, and we will be held accountable by God for how we use the funds that He sends our way. This is a very serious matter to us, and we place the matter before God in prayer every day.


There has been a significant change in the way New Tribes handles our finances. For details please email me at

How to give:


You can give to our ministry by sending a check, automatic bank transfers, or on-line giving. Click here to go to the area on the NTM web site to give on line.


To give by check through the mission home office, use the address below.


The address for the mission home office is

New Tribes Mission

1000 E. First Street

Sanford, FL 32771-1487


Please make checks out to "New Tribes Mission" and attach a separate slip of paper with a notation "to the ministry of George & Ginny Olson."


To set up automatic bank transfers with New Tribes Mission. you can download the form and instructions in pdf format by clicking here (this will download directly from our mission website).


Or you can call mission headquarters at

-         866-547-2460

Just ask for the finance office to get a form to fill out and sign. They will explain everything.


All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year.


Thank you so much for supporting the Lord's work overseas with your finances! May He bless your offering to His work!