click on picture to download latest prayer card! |
Updated on 2/22/06
Perhaps Lord has placed on your heart a desire to be a part in reaching the lost overseas!
If this is the case, there are 2 ways you can help – through prayer and finances.
New Tribes Mission's home office now handles the majority of our finances. To give through the mission home office, use the address below.
The address for the mission home office is New Tribes Mission 1000 E. First Street Sanford, FL 32771-1487
Please make checks out to "New Tribes Mission" and attach a separate slip of paper with a notation "to the ministry of George & Ginny Olson."
It is also possible to set up automatic bank transfers with New Tribes Mission. To do this, call mission headquarters at - 866-547-2460, or - 407-323-3430 Either ask the operator for the finance office, or hit extension 354 for Larry Bright, and they will fill out a form with you, which I think they will mail to you to sign.
All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year.
It is also still possible to give through Oasis Christian Fellowship in Carlsbad, New Mexico. That address is: Oasis Christian Fellowship 802 S. Main St. Carlsbad, NM 88220.
On that address, again make checks out to "Oasis Christian Fellowship" and attach some kind of notation "to the ministry of George & Ginny Olson."
With us now being members of New Tribes Mission, the preferred method is to give through the mission headquarters. |
Current financial needs for the ministry:
In all the items posted below, we are trusting God to provide what is necessary for us to carry out His work to reach the lost in the Philippines! He has gotten us this far, and He will continue to spur us on in His provision!
We consider that everyone who gives is not giving to us, but giving an offering to the Lord to establish His kingdom in an unreached tribal group in the Philippines!
Currently we fall between 35% and 40% of what NTM recommends for the Philippine field for regular monthly support. We are looking for regular monthly supporters to join our current team, who will uphold this ministry in prayer and with their finances. One of the ministry's biggest needs right now is for more regular monthly financial supporters – any amount given toward raising our percentage closer to 100%!
Then click here to email me for the password to this document.
Other current needs: - School fees for next year's materials for the kids - $1000 - moving costs this summer - $500
The following estimates are for our startup costs for our initial move to the Philippines a year from now (if you want a more specific break down, feel free to email and ask) - plane tickets for the family - $6000 (covered, praise the Lord!) - work visa fees - $1400 (covered, praise the Lord!) - Startup funds for our initial move into a residence in Manila - $6300 - shipping expenses for household goods - $2250 (estimated)
Prayer requests:
Requests: - for God to raise up more prayer and financial partners as we near our time to leave - for our ministry time with family and friends over the next year and a half as we prepare to leave - for provision of a place to live in San Antonio some time in May until we leave in October - For the relationships we will build with people in the Philippines - For the specific people we are praying about going to, that they will be a prepared people - For our team to function in unity in Christ - For an additional family to add to our team if it is His will