Click here to go to the introduction page for our scouting trip.

Click here to see Kankanaey pictures.

Click here to go to "Philippines trip, part 2."


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Saying our hugs good-bye as we prepared to leave.

The airplane taking off from Los Angeles.

The airplane flew way north up over Alaska and the Bering straight.


The Manila guest home. That is Nate, our partner, with Isaac.

The Manila guest home from the outside. You can see on the right is the addition being built.

A jeepney on the streets in Manila. The jeepneys were originally World War II jeeps that local people started decorating and using sort of like taxis. This became popular and is a common thing to see all over the Philippines.

Faith Academy – an MK school that also has boarding for older students.

The faith academy gym.

The faith academy soccer field.

The faith academy playground.

The faith academy swimming pool.

A small jeepney.



One of Manila's newest landmarks – Mega-Mall!

The inside – a very modern looking place!

Shopping for practically anything is available in Manila!

And what trip to the Philippines would not be complete without ice skating in Mega-Mall!

The Manila highway system on a slow traffic day. Usually it is bumper to bumper.

Iglesia Ni Cristo – a Philippines born religious movement. We were told that they believe the church building itself will be raptured at the return of Christ, so you have to be inside it when he comes back.

Mt. Arayat east of the highway going north from Manila. It is an inactive volcano. To the west was Mt. Pinatubo, which is still active, but we could not see it because of the mist.

Carabao – common in the countryside, but there weren't any in Manila.

